Press Releases






J. Guillory, confirmed his appointment as Commissioner to the 45 year-old international human rights organization; CITIZENS COMMISSION on HUMAN RIGHTS (CCHR). The Commission is a nonprofit mental health watchdog, responsible for helping to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive practices. CCHR has long fought to restore basic inalienable human rights to the field of mental health, including, but not limited to,full informed consent regarding the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the risks of psychiatric treatments, the right to all available medical alternatives and the right to refuse any treatment considered harmful.  CCHR functions solely as a mental health watchdog, working alongside many medical professionals including doctors, scientists, nurses and those few psychiatrists who have taken a stance against the biological/drug model of disease that is continually promoted by the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry as a way to sell drugs. It is a nonpolitical, nonreligious, nonprofit organization dedicated solely to eradicating mental health abuse and enacting patient and consumer protections. CCHR s Commissioners, include doctors, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, legislators, educators, business professionals, artists and civil and human rights representatives.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has been on the front lines of mental health reform since 1969. Acknowledged by the Special Rapporteur to the United Nations Human Rights Commission as responsible for many great reforms that protect people from psychiatric abuse, CCHR has documented thousands of individual cases that demonstrate psychiatric drugs and often-brutal psychiatric practices create insanity and cause violence.

Over the course of more than four decades, CCHR’s work has helped to save the lives of millions and prevented needless suffering for millions more. Many countries have now mandated informed consent for psychiatric treatment and the right to legal representation, advocacy, recourse and compensation for patients. In some countries, the use of psychosurgery and electroshock on children is banned. And with hundreds of chapters in 34 countries, CCHR members are active worldwide organizing marches, public hearings, exhibits, and other actions to raise public awareness about the criminality rampant within psychiatry.

Bishop Guillory, is currently working to open the Ombudsman International’s Youth Preservation College in Texas to save our nation’s youth from the dead-end prison system. He is the f founder of Ombudsman International; which is an advocate for human rights around the world, particularly for American citizens who live or travel abroad. An ombudsman is a nonpartisan public official who investigates complaints by individuals against government agencies or public officials. Most complaints regard the unjust or excessively harsh treatment of people by police officers, prosecuting attorneys, or judges. Other complaints regard bribery and extortion by public officials as well as other forms of misconduct. After investigating a complaint, the Ombudsman may dismiss it or seek correction of the problem by persuasion, by publicity, or, occasionally, by recommending prosecution.

Ombudsman International, is also the birth place of National Ombudsman, which is an Independent Government Oversight Agency; acting as an advocate for private citizens in response to complaints of misconduct against public officials, public employees, and private contractors employed by public entities. The agency investigates complaints, issues reports of its findings, and attempts to remedy problems through mediation where possible and litigation where necessary. Bishop Guillory belongs to the Archdiocese of North America Unitarian Universalist Church.